Staying Close & Connected Safely


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Staying Close & Connected Safely

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That's not able to gather yet by reaching out in various ways. We have people in the parking lot that are safely gathering and listening. And they're part of our fellowship this morning, and we're glad that they're out there. And then we have some that hang out in the, in the grass area. And, and we're glad, glad for that. We had about 550 plus that were able to be on campus last weekend, which is not our whole fellowship, but it's, it's good. We're growing, we're growing. And this morning we also have kid ministry happening and the kids are in the chapel safely gathering and ministry. That's happening with them. And so little by little we're learning how we can do this well, and we want it. We want it to be safe, but not only physically safe, but we want it to be spiritually safe.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Caroline Evans



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