Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2


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Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2

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What are you? You, God, you are my strength. Come quickly to help me. Who are you? God, you're my strength. Who are you? You are my strength. Right? Paul said in the new Testament, man, when you're weak, whenever you don't have enough strength when whatever, you can't do it on your own. When you're vulnerable, when you're hurting, when you're going through it, the apostle Paul, he said, man, when you're weak, God's strength is made perfect in you. When your weakest strength is made perfect in you. In other words, man, every time you have a weakness, you also have an opportunity to experience God's strength, right?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Daniel Johnson



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