Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2


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Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2

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Maybe, maybe you perhaps are working less hours than you might like to write. Maybe they cut your hours back or you had a job that you once loved. And now all of a sudden you don't have that job anymore. Then there's pain. That's a lot of uncertainty and maybe the bills might be mounting and your marriage might be struggling. And because of everything that we're going through, we're calling today's message. Man. When you, when you feel anxious, alone and afraid, we're calling it when you feel anxious, alone and afraid. And so if you feel some anxiety, men, this messages for you, if you feel alone, or if you're consumed with fear men, I want to encourage you just to stick around.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Daniel Johnson



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