Prayer Power


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Prayer Power

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R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)

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How was it was just grave. We went on this cruise. Yeah. You could cruise Tampa st. Pete Clearwater go to all the stores and just pick up all the junk because that's rare people. If you go down to Miami or you go to key West, it's the same stores with all the trinkets and the cure. If he had been passed, it's just great being out there. The whole thing is fake. It's a fake world. Disney world Epcot center, magic kingdom. It's all fake. It's all fairy stories. It's all smoke and mirrors. It's all. While I'm talking to you about this, I'm talking to our pastors that go Don't touch Disney. That's our favorite place. Wow. Yes. And if you go there, you'll have to mask up and Karen will get you. I don't know why I came and talked to you about it. I mean, talk to them about passengers. It's all fake. It's a facade.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rodney Howard-Browne



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