Resurrection Day


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Resurrection Day

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Easter, when COVID-adapted

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Again. This is, this is not the greatest way for us to meet, but it's the best we can do for right now. I know that the restrictions in Riverside have been pretty strict so much so that Riverside, even specifically banned drive in church meetings. And so we were talking about that this week and it turns out that just today, Riverside removed that ban and they're allowing for one Sunday for churches to be able to come together and sit in their car and, and, and celebrate Easter together. So we had talked about that, but we thought that's not really the best way that we can worship together either. So, so again, just a reminder, we've, we've come up with some plans for Easter, and they're there online for you to look at and, and see more details.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Matt Nevills



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