A safe deposit


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A safe deposit

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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God is demanding that we don't be so shocked and surprised. So as to withdrawal the funds of your soul from the account of his sovereignty, because that's what some people are going to do, the shock and the jolt and the surprise is going to be so are shattering. They withdraw funds from the bank account of God's sovereignty and they will no longer trust them again. That's what God is demanding that we not do that. It's okay to say, I've never experienced this. This is unheard of. It's a shock because it is, but shock should not give rise to a withdrawal. There's another kind of shock that leads to something else. It's the kind of shock when you're waiting by the roadside with all these animals around you and a birthday sign and you look, and there's a long birthday parade coming your way. You talk about shock and surprise, but that gave rise to what joy verse 13, but rejoice.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Stewart



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