The 91st Psalms


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The 91st Psalms

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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I think what Paul's telling us here is that Paul is saying, the only thing I can comfort you with church is the same things that comfort me. Because as we've heard so many times before recently, we're all in this together, Paul, I'm no different than you and I today who stand before you, I'm no different than you. We all have to draw our comfort from the one who is the God of all comfort. So I pray that this morning we will be comforted by God's word and we will be encouraged by God's word as we face, hopefully. And for a brief duration, a new and a change reality as we grapple with this going forward.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Jerry Williams



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