Don't Refuse God's Refuge
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Don't Refuse God's Refuge
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R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)
[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts
Text of excerpt, if available
If in the midst of this weird confusing crisis, this difficult time, w what, if God is offering us a place of refuge, even in the midst of this pandemic, a place where it's possible to be at peace, but somehow we're just not taking advantage of His refuge. Now, to be clear, I'm not talking about a cure. I'm not talking about immunity from a virus. I'm talking about a place of confidence and peace in the midst of the virus. What scripture tells us that God is actually offering such a place. And my challenge for us this morning, especially in this unprecedented season, is for us not to refuse. God's Refuge
"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user
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Pastor Mark Tumney