The Will of God


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The Will of God

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God, Jesus, or the divine

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There'll be fighting's between church members and within yourself. And there'll be fighting's and struggles between you and God. It's not a mystery or a great surprise. That trouble comes from being outside of the will of God. You no doubt. Remember the story of Jonah. And remember that Jonah was called by God to go and preach under the city of Nineveh. That was the will of God in Jonah's life, Jonah, get down to Nineveh and start preaching to those people. That's what the Lord wanted him to do. Well, did Jonah listen to that? No, he didn't. And because he didn't listen, he was outside of the will of God, his pride and stubbornness nearly cost him his life and almost killed those sailors on the ship with them. There was great trouble in Jonah's life because he went against the will of God. In fact, we even see, I believe those three Wars that James talked about earlier in chapter four and the life of Jonah, as he lived outside the will of God, he caused fighting between the members of the ship.

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Pastor Nathan Meeks



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