Transcript of God and Pestilance


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Transcript of God and Pestilance

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M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates

Text of excerpt, if available

We are to obey God or man, you saying, what we're talking about is where natural reality meets spiritual reality is where they intersect, where man's law and God's law coexist in harmony, or at least not in opposition to one another right now in this country, we have, it is not mandatory that we, that pregnant women commit or, or have abortions. It's not mandatory, it's available, but not mandatory. You understand that? That means that it's not crossed God's law yet. That part has not crossed God's law yet because God's people don't have to partake in that. You understand God's people do not have to partake in it. It's not mandated by the government that they do that. Now when the government does mandate that abortions have to be performed on every person, a pregnant lady, no matter what you think it crosses God's law. Which one are you going to follow?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Paul Blair



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