Finding Security in a Troubled World


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Finding Security in a Troubled World

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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And on the sixth day, they can bring in twice as much because there won’t be any bread on the Sabbath. “Will they do what I command them to do?” There’s a test. The test was they needed food. They didn’t know where that food was going to come from. Would they be willing to do what God said when essentially they were putting their lives on the line? The notion probably would enter the mind of any Jewish person out in the wilderness at that time, “I’m going to get everything I can get.” They would do with the bread what everybody’s doing with the bread now in the market. There’s a panic toward hording, which is a test of faith. Do you think God’s going to provide the next day? He told you, one day at a time. This is a test to see if you really trust Him.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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John F. MacArthur



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