The Pandemic of Sin [borrowed]


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The Pandemic of Sin [borrowed]

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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But he was there for Noah as the crowds, mocked and cheered him. As he obediently built the Ark, he was there for Abraham. As he left his family and friends to Sojourn in a foreign land in search of a city. He was there with Joseph, as he was viciously cast into a pit, he was ultimately sold into slavery, into Potiphar's house and committed to prison. He was there for Moses who stood before Pharaoh and commanded. Let my people go. He was there for Moses again at the sea, the red sea and on Mount Sinai and in the wilderness, he was there for Moses. He was there for Joshua, as he faced the nation in mourning at the loss of Moses. And he was there for him as he led them into the promised land. He was there for Gideon who with a mere 300 men faced a Midianite army of 120,000.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Mark O'Donnell



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