Hard times during COVID
Hard times during COVID
Religion during the pandemic takes a whole new turn on religion. I am not a regular churchgoer but I did attend often. I am in college and have moved from my old church to finding a new church in my new town. I have been in my new town for now 3 years but only during when school is in session. last year I was able to find a church that fit my grove. I fell in love and started to attend with my friends then what do you know COIVD hit and we all had to go home, just as I was getting a hang of things. I follow the church I go to in college and the one from home on social medial so I am able to follow along with changes happing within. I was amazed when the world shut down no more churches no nothing so I just turned to home practicing but what am I kidding if you don't have someone holding you accountable it gets tough. Over the past several months I have been trying and just recently the church at college has opened their doors back up to those that are willing and have even found a way to broadcast online. All churches are tiring so hard to adapt to this new normal and I feel as though so are people especially me. This COIVD stuff scared me so I have been taking advantage of the online live lectures. Even better the church posts stuff daily wheater that is motivation quotes or things to think about that day. I think this aspect has really helped me keep on top of everything. Hopefully one day soon the churches can open their doors back up to full capacity.
Date Created
November 2020
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This item was submitted on November 18, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”: https://pandemicreligion.org/s/contributions
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