Be Still...



Be Still...


"Lord, still my raging mind so when all is silent I shall know your voice." Henri Nouwen

During the pandemic we have all found ourselves as shut ins. The news and social media have been over run with stories of isolation, along with its impact. However, in concert virtual groups have sprung up. Social media has been a go to for a sense of community and spiritual refuge. Friend groups have structured ways to stay connected, while remaining at least six (6) feet apart, in an effort to nurture each other. Places of worship have become savvy in streaming and ZOOM bible studies. The resourcefulness of the human spirit has been profound.

I have felt these efforts were indeed examples of how God enters into the circumstances of our lives, and works within them to bestow grace. Oddly, the predicament of being human is to feel alone, with or without a pandemic. The biblical narrative is themed with separation and the anxiety thereof.

When we are separated we feel vulnerable. In moments of angst our reaction is to take action to fill the void. The void of social contact is difficult. I have found the void best filled by embracing the silence, and within that silence seeking God.

Peace within faith has been my personal experience during the pandemic. Being still, allowing the solitude to wash over me and soak me with the confidence of God's presence. This time of uncertainty has allowed me to silently seek God's companionship.

During this pandemic, I have rediscovered the value of taking refuge in stillness with God. My pondering has fostered a new awareness of gratitude. Gratitude is the bridge from helplessness to confidence that faith does not surrender to our fears.

Faith does not yield to pandemics, and all the harsh trappings it brings. My experience during the pandemic has been to rely up the words of a profound theologian, while taking comfort in my isolation.

Date Created

May 20, 2020







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